Friday, October 28, 2011

The BFG - Dream Jars (Golden Phizzwizards)

We are currently reading The BFG by Roald Dahl. It is an incredible and fun book! In the story, the BFG (Big Friendly Giant) is a dream-catching giant who goes to Dream Country to catch dreams. He catches them by using a butterfly net (as well as his enormous ears to actually HEAR the dreams). The two types of dreams that he catches are trogglehumpers (nightmares - which he catches so they can never get out) and golden phizzwizards (GOOD DREAMS!) He then travels all over the world "delivering" these golden phizzwizards to children. He does this by blowing them through windows with a special trumpet-like instrument while children are sound asleep at night. 4C students were lucky enough to get to travel to Dream Country (aka - the playground) and catch their own golden phizzwizards! Check them out! I would love for any of these dreams to be blown through my window while I was sleeping!!!

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