Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Metric Olympics

On the last Wednesday of the school year, we held a Metric Olympics. Each student participated in 5 events: Cotton ball Shotput, Paper plate discus, Paper straw javelin, Right-handed Marble Grab, and Left-handed Sponge Squeeze. The object of each was for each student to ESTIMATE what their results would be, measure the actual result, and then find the difference between the two. The person who had the smallest difference was the winner for each event. We were lucky enough to have the 7th grade math classes help us with all of our events. They helped our students with the events by aiding with the measuring as well as with the actual math. They made it run so smoothly! Thanks so much to them and to their teacher, Mr. Childress (my brother), for helping us out! We are definitely going to do something similar in 4th grade!!!!

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